Looking for work at home save money from traveling out and let us help you work from home. Sign up at Arise.com and send our call center a request. You will need our EIN: 850582686 or IBO ID: 821880 to send our business notification you are interested in work.
Position is for Customer Service Reps
We pay on the 1st and 15th of every month direct deposit only (we may provide other options in the future)
Incentives for performance will be available.
Pay will be between $9-$12 per hour depending on partners with work availability.
Set the company's strategy and direction
Our goal is to help individual get entry level positions in CSR at home positions
Discuss company financials and roadmap with potential investors
Answering questions about a company's products or services.
Processing orders and transactions.
Resolving issues and troubleshooting technical problems.
Delivering information about a company's offerings.
Providing proactive customer outreach.
Previous experience in customer service is preferred we are open to help you succeed if you have no experience
Strong independent work qualities
Strong integrity and accountability
Strong listening skills
Ability to handle pressure and provide solutions and reduce call backs
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
We will be right here to fully support you for your success. Any additional question email us at wah@trinityskys.com
Watch video on sign up instructions below